[News e Anteprime] Tutte le Novità Action Toys per il 2019


Lo Staff di Gokin.it  è riuscito a contattare la casa di produzione Action Toys , famosa per la sua partnership con la Art Storm Co., Ltd., che ha risposto ad una serie di nostre domande . La Action Toys è stata avara di informazioni ma nelle risposte siamo riusciti a carpire alcune news interessanti ;

1)Gokin.it : Any news for Diapolon / Daiapolon ex gokin? Tecnic info and realese date?

Action Toys :  within 2019

[Mostre e Eventi] WF2018S: Ufo Diapolon EX Gokin di Art Storm

2)Gokin.it : How about the spaceships of “starzinger”? The figure of the Queen, will be realesed also? Can you give to us more info?

Action Toys : will release latest picture in Dec

[Info e Foto] Action Toys: Star Crow – Star Copper – Star Bud “Starzinger”

3)Gokin.it : Any news about the Koutetsu Jeeg ex gokin? We have look some photos, but no more news? Can you give more info?

Action Toys : still in development

[Mostre e Eventi] Wonder Festival Winter 2017: Fewture Models EX Gokin Kotetsu Jeeg

4)Gokin.it : EX Gokin is Art Storm’ s project, we have not idea about it.

Action Toys :  EX Gokin is Art Storm’ s project, we have not idea about it

5)Gokin.it : Models “Borgman”. Any news?

Action Toys :  will release in 2019

[Wonder Festival Summer 2016] Art Storm: Fewture Borgman

6)Gokin.it : Transformers series: Megatron ultimetal will be realesed? Have you thinking to realese in future others ultimetal robots?

Action Toys :  will release in 2019

7)Gokin.it :What was the motivation to make 50 cm vinyl robots? Will you make other ones?

Action Toys :  Godmars and Tetsujin 28

8)Gokin.it : How does the collaboration with Art Storm Company work?

Action Toys : sorry, it is business secret

9)Gokin.it :After the “T28 robot”, what will you do in the “heavy metal” line?

Action Toys : some items are still in development

10)Gokin.it : Do you plan to make other models in the “mini gokin” line?

Action Toys : some items are still in development .
